I entered the scrapbooking world the old fashioned way.... playing with papers, elements photo's and lots of glue. Then I discovered and started scrapping digitally.
Sometimes, I like to come back to paper scrapbooking. For me hybrid is the perfect way to combine the best of both worlds. An endless stash of designs that I can personalize and the touch of paper!
Today, I made a hybrid page by using a template from Pink Reptile Designs [ No probllama | Templates]

I printed it on A4 paper :

This printed template will help me as a guide to cut the correct dimensions from my papers.
I also printed some elements and papers to make my pag.

My papers and elements are colored, so I printed my photo in B&W. Now, I'm sure that photo will be in harmony with whatever colors I use on my page.
In Photoshop, I created a background and printed it on cardstock.
I added a brush and a doodling element from No Probllama | Elements and Hello Summer Word art from O sole Mio | Elements.
I have a classical printer, so I cut a white cardstock in A4 format to use with my printer.

As explained above, I use the printed template as a pattern to cut my papers to the right size

I put all papers pieces on my page before I glued them to the page, just to make sure everything fits in place

Papers are [printed] from No Probllama | Papers, except for the green paper that is from So Here's The Story | Papers
After I made sure everything is where it is suppost to be I added elements of decoration and I glued them one by one.

I added a heart flag (I love it) on my yellow paper as on the template

And to finish, I glued in the center, a tag titled FINE.
If you follow my creations, you know that I like 3D self adhesive foam! ;)

My hybrid page is done !

As always I hope you enjoyed my post and if I inspired you in any way, shape or form then by all means make a photo of your project and upload it to your gallery so you can leave a link in the comment section below! I'd love to see what you made!
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