Wednesday 2 March 2022




Do you ever scrap in a non - 12 x 12 size?  Square, more specifically 12 x 12, seems to be the "norm" in scrapbooking.  Sometimes, I want to scrap in other sizes, though.  The paper size - 8 1/2 x 11 is easy to print at home and I enjoy changing it out once in a while.  Most people, including me, don't have a 12 x 12 printer, so it's "instant gratification" for me to be able to print my page out at home and use it right away.  

If you're a member of online scrapbooking communities (and who isn't?) how do you upload an 8 1/2 x 11 layout (or anything similar to that size) and not have to stress over what dimensions to make it?  I'm going to show an easy way to format your oblong layouts for online galleries.

I came up with this cheat a long time ago and it's perfect for an oblong layout on MOST boards.   Here's a screenshot of my finished layout, which happens to be 8 1/2 x 11. 

 BTW, I'm working in Photoshop Elements.  Now, the "magic".  Open a new 12 x 12 blank document (white).

Next, "pull" your 8 1/2 x 11 (or similar sized) document up onto your new blank document - an 8 1/2 x 11 document will be right in the middle. If not, use your handles to resize it.

Next, you're going to "SAVE FOR WEB".  I'm saving mine at 700 x 700, but you may want yours smaller or larger.

Now, your oblong layout is on a square white background and resized.

Not to worry, gallery backgrounds are white, so I changed my screen color to white to show you that your 12 x 12 document won't show.

Now, your oblong layout is re-formatted and ready to upload, just like any other layout, to the online galleries of your choice.  You didn't have to try to figure out what dimensions to make it; all you had to do was re-size your square white document.  

Here's what it looks like when you upload it to an online gallery.  As you can see, the dimensions are 700 x 700 now.

I used to stress over "how big do I make it"?  Not anymore.  Next time you create a layout that's oblong, just pop it on that white square background and you'll be good to go.

Until next time,

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