It's Christa here, with my picks for this month's Pink Reptile Designs Gallery Standout. There was so many beautiful pages, especially after the Month of Challenges at TLP, that it was hard to pick just 3, so I picked 5!!! I just couldn't help myself.
Carl and Shayenne by nativescrapper
Christa: My first pick is this one by Native Scrapper (Cheryl). I absolutely love this page. It really embodies the saying "A picture says a thousand words"! I love the black and white precious photo masked onto the grayed textured background with the bokeh touches! The elements chosen of pale yellow flowers and butterfly is so eye appealing and soft, but that photo is absolutely pricless. A special moment between her niece and Carl.

Fave by dlw068
Christa: My second pick is this one by dlw068 titled "Fave". It is a page with lots of blank space, but draws your eye directly to the photo. I love the "viewmaster reel" clustered underneath the photo as if the photo was a print of one on the view reel. The flairs and stitches are a great touch to hold down the photo... Beautifully scrapped of her favorite, which has become a favorite of mine too!

Ugh by lauracw
Christa: My third pick is by lauracw...Titled perfectly with the word UGH! Cleaning and housework is definitely UGH when there is so many other things we want to do daily! I loved the way Laura has us getting a "look" into her laundry room stacked with those adorable cleaning bug elements. Even if there was no journaling, the title along with those cleaning elements and masked faux wallpaper says it all. Wonderfully titled and wonderful page!

Toed Away by Deeka
Christa: My fourth pick is by Deekaa. This was for the scrap therapy MOC challenge. While I cannot read the journaling due to it being in a language other than English, I still love the composition of this page. It is as if was a torn out page from her notebook. I love the clustering of the photo on an "roll-a-dex" card, and the type details re date time & location. The yellow sticky that has the simple word sigh/aargh, {after what appears to have been an incident where she got stranded and had to get her car towed} explains it all. These little things in life happen to us, and while not a very happy moment for the "pocketbook", it is great to scrapbook the everyday happenings, the bad along with the good things that happen to us. This is what scrapping is about... all the little things that happen to us, and it is great to see scrap therapy in action. The composition of the page and using the "Noted" collab was a perfect choice!

Penguins by Karenw
Christa: And now last but not least is my fifth pick. I just couldn't help it! This is by KarenW and I just adore the large photo of the Penguin. What an awesome photo! I love the little film strip with additional penguin photos. Penguins to me are always dressed up and ready to go. I just loved the composition on this page, the splash of turquoise paint spray and all the little date elements. A really wonderful and adorable page!

Thank you ladies for your wonderful layouts. Until next time - Keep scrapping those pages and adding to the PRD Gallery at TLP. Next month we could be featuring your page!
Thank you so much, Christa!! :) You just made my day :)
ReplyDeleteI am so glad she picked this page because somehow I totally missed this one! It's GORGEOUS!!
DeleteThanks for picking my page! : ) What a nice surprise!!
ReplyDeleteI love that page!!! A very much deserved spotlight on the blog!
DeleteJust as the girls above, I want to say thank you too! At least something good is also coming out of my awful 'car-breaks-down' situation :)
ReplyDeleteIndeed that nasty car-breaks-down lead to a beautiful page and a well deserved spotlight! Proves once again that every cloud has a silver lining! LOL