I'm in the midst of transitioning from a Mac OS laptop to a new Windows OS laptop! Let me tell you, it's tough, lol! I'm learning new software - Bridge and Lightroom, and getting used to the little nuances of this big change. Different menus, missing features, newfound features, and all that goes with transferring all of my information! The smallest things have been throwing me off so easily! I've switched from PSCS6 to PSCC, and while the software is very similar, there are some changes. Additional features and listings in the menus, a slight change in location of options and even a little different look. With this in mind, I have found that I rely on many tips and tricks in PS! So, today, I am going to talk about some of the tips and tricks that I rely on and are helping me through this transition.
"D" for Default
Default Color Selections. This little box has easy shortcuts! All you have to do is press D to reset your color squares to default settings - which is black as the foreground color and white as the background color. If you press the X next, it will switch the foreground color and your background color. If you want a specific color in one of the squares, just click on it and the Color Picker pops up!
Moving the Marquee
There have been times that I have made a selection using my Marquee Tool, and it isn't in the right spot. As you make your selection, don't let go of that mouse button! If it is in the wrong spot, just press the Shift key, and still holding that mouse button down, start to drag your selection to the correct place. When in the correct position and the right size, let go of the mouse button, and then the marching ants will appear - and in the correct location.
To Zoom or Not to Zoom
Sometimes you want to get up close and personal in your workspace and sometimes you need to view it with a bit of distance. Just click on the magnifying glass two times, and boom - you are viewing at 100%! Easy!
Fit To Screen.
Sometimes after you have gotten up close and personal in your workspace, you need to see the whole layout. Just click on the hand two times, and boom - you are viewing to fit your workspace! Easy! Works great with the Zoomed Magnifying glass!
Opacity Fading
The opacity for each layer can easily be change by using your keyboards number buttons. Want 90% opacity, press 9. Want 50% opacity, press 5. I use this one a lot - and easy way to quickly see the changes when working with blend modes.
Easy On, Easy Off.
You want to hide about 8 layers and don't want to hide them all individually! All those repeated clicks could be done with a little single click and drag. Click on one layer's "eye" and hold that click. Next, drag the cursor over all the layers you want to hide, and you will see the "eye" disappear for each one. Want them all back, this tip works the opposite way too!
Blend This or That
Easily "scroll" through blending modes or jump to a specific one by using just the keyboard. By pressing Shift + (+/plus key) or Shift + (-/minus key), you can cycle forward or backward through available modes.
Layer Up or Down
You have chosen a layer in the Layers Palette. By holding down the Alt or Opt key and then pressing the right square bracket, you can then opt to choose the layer above, or the left square bracket to choose the layer below.
Move It Up or Down
You have chosen a layer in the Layers Palette. Now, you can move an entire layer by holding the Command/Control Key while pressing either one of the square bracket buttons. Left square bracket moves the layer down one and the right bracket moves the layer up one!
Straighten Up!
Easily straighten photos by using the Ruler tool. Drag a line across an edge in your photo that should be level. Look to the control bar and click the “Straighten Layer” button. Then grab the Crop tool and trim away any of the transparent edges.
Multiple Undo's
You are well aware that Command/Control + Z is Undo, but you may not know Comand/Control + Alt + Z lets you undo more than one history state. Woo Hoo!
There you have it... some of the tips and tricks I use all the time when scrapping! Even with my computer changes, I'm lucky there aren't too many changes with Photshop!
Thanks for visiting!
Jenn (jk703)
This was a great, super-useful post! From @juliestcyr