Tuesday 17 January 2017


First of a “Happy New Year to you all!
I hope you had a fantastic holiday and I want to wish you all the best for the new year.  Some of you may have resolutions for the new year, some of you probably don’t. But wether you have or not everyone's day should start with a good healthy breakfast don't you think?
I know I forget to get myself something to eat during the hectic morning routine. My girls and husband always leave the house with a full stomach and packed lunchbox to school and work. And only after they leave there's time for me to grab something for myself and I just don't always take the time and sometimes I even forget!
So I made a resoltion for 2017: “don’t forget my breakfast”!

Talking about breakfast.... I found out there's a lot of fonts that have food names! So for this font post I thought it would be really fun to see if I could put together a healthy breakfast in fonts! LOL

As always all fonts in this post are free for download! Here they are!

1. Watermelon, 2. Breakfast Burrito, 3. Banana Chip Muffins, 4. Pineapple, 5. Orange Juice, 6. Bready, 7. Blueberry Outmeal, 8. Strawberry Muffins, 9. Lemon Milk, 10. Apple Spice

What is your favourite?


  1. My favorite font is Banana Chip Muffin! I know what you mean by not forgetting breakfast! Here the same, everyone leaves the house, packed, sacked and full stomach.......and I.....eat in the car on my way to work ;)

  2. Have you ever downloaded a free font and therby downloading a virus into your computer? Does anyone have experience with this?


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