by Pink Lady Sannn
Who doesn't have a folder on their computer filled with tons of fonts
and you still can't find the right one to use on your page...
I often
catch myself browsing through all kinds of font sites and downloading a
lot of them just in case I will need them in the future.
Did you
know you can use a font viewer to see all the characters of the font? I
did that for a while but for me personally it just doens't work to see
many different fonts at once. Since two years I use Pinterest for
inspiration and I have many fonts pinned on my board. This way I can see
all the different styles and types of fonts and great font combinations
plus there's a link to get to the desired font right away and most of
the time they are free for personal use too. Easy peasy!
I do journal a lot on my Project Life pages I’m not much of a journaler
on my regular pages. Whether I write a lot or not I always want a font
that matches the alphas or the theme from the kit I am using.
the Month of Challenges at The Lilypad there where a few challenges I
had to journal for. There was a challenge for which you had to create a
year 2013 in review page. I could have used pictures of my family but
going through the photos I saw a lot of “food” pics and I realized they
would go well with the Pink Reptile Designs Dinner Date Kit. I chose a
black paper as a matte for my photo's resembling a a chalkboard and I
used the font “Doodled Pen”, making it look like a real restaurant

For TLP's List Challenge I had to create a page with a list of 14 things
that I would like to do, or hope to achieve this year. I thought it
would be nice to use a fun font like “the Contessa” from Heather Joyce
because it has that same retro, art deco typ of feel to it as the
wordarts used in the kit I used: : What a Wonderful Day collab from
Michelle Godin and Pink Reptile.
My list is changing monthly but here is my current top ten of favorite fonts to use with links and except for one they are all FREE!
1. Cinnamon Cake, 2. Days, 3. Scrap Marker [not free], 4. Lego House, 5. Doodled Pen,
6. Alex Brush, 7. Impact Label, 8. Kenyan Coffee, 9. Wednesday,10. Coming Home
6. Alex Brush, 7. Impact Label, 8. Kenyan Coffee, 9. Wednesday,10. Coming Home
Happy journaling!
Thanks so much for these!! Love, love these!! :)